Who are we?

Founded in 1947, the Alliance Française of Edmonton is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of the French language and culture.

A summary

Founded in 1947 by Paulette Crévolin, the Alliance française of Edmonton is a non-profit organization, part of the Alliance française network around the globe. The alliances françaises’ main goals are to promote the French language, francophone cultures and to support intercultural exchanges. They are present in 143 countries with over 800 centers. We self-finance thanks to our classes, the support of our members, donations and various grants.

The Alliance française of Edmonton is part of the 10 Alliances in Canada: Calgary, Halifax, Edmonton, Moncton, Montréal, Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria and Winnipeg. We work as a team to organize events nationwide. We also develop our teaching methods to ensure the best learning experience and the professionalism of our teachers.

As a registered non-profit school, you can get a tax return on the classes you take with us!

Mission & Vision Statements

Our Mission

The Alliance Française of Edmonton encourages and promotes active, open connections between people and French language and culture. It provides the means by which people can learn the French language and become engaged in the many different aspects of Francophone culture including art, books, poetry, film, history, gastronomy, contemporary affairs, thoughts and ideas. It provides the opportunity for friends of French language and culture to come together in an apolitical, non-religious and welcoming environment.

Our Vision

The Alliance Française of Edmonton is a resource for information in Alberta for members and other organizations interested in French language and Francophone cultures.

  • Reaching a broad base of people throughout Edmonton and Alberta, from a young age to fluent native speakers. We will continue to provide activites for different interests and need, with a wide range of affordable activities and services, accessible in a variety of locations.
  • Providing the highest quality of French language education from qualified teachers.
  • Working in collaboration with French organizations and with other cultural institutions.

The Alliance Française of Edmonton will ensure continued relevance in the changing world and will grow in terms of students, members and variety of activities.

Some Milestones


The first Alliance française was established in 1883 in Paris by a group of reknown intellectuals and artists amongst whom Jules Verne, Louis Pasteur and Ferdinand de Lesseps to improve the French cultural development abroad. Through decades, the network has grown steadily and is now the biggest language school in the world.

Being one and many at the same time, the Alliance symbolises a French nation which is universal and constantly moving forward. 

1902 | The first Alliance Française of Canada is created in Montreal. Today, there are 10 alliances in the country: Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, Moncton, Montreal, Ottawa,Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria and Winnipeg.

1947 | The chapter of the Alliance Française of Edmonton is founded by Paulette Crévolin. At first, it was just a group of francophone friends!

2007 | The Fondation Alliance Française is created and recognized as a public interest organisation. The Fondation is the moral and legal reference of Alliances Françaises. Its aim is to coordinate the actions of the network and its expansion.

2014 | First editions of the French Film Festival at the Metro Cinema and our free outdoor music festival, Make Music Edmonton, on the 124th Street!