
Ev@lang is a 100% online placement test. It is flexible, fast and accurate.
It is perfect for students willing to find out their level on their own or guide employees towards a specific language course.

Description & Structure

Ev@lang is a modern and reliable tool for assessing candidates' skills in French, English and Arabic. Mastery of one or more foreign languages has become essential for the construction of study projects or professional careers. International mobility contributes to this need to reliably demonstrate language skills in one or more foreign languages.

With more than 35 years of experience in the evaluation of French as a foreign language and more than 700,000 learners evaluated each year France Education International's teams have put all their expertise at the service of foreign language assessment with the creation of the Ev@lang placement test. Click here to learn more about the test


Ev@lang is an adaptive test: the evaluation path adapts in real time to the user's performance. Each user is presented with a series of questions that allow him/her to accurately determine his/her level of competence in each of the evaluated tasks.


Ev@lang is based on the 6 language proficiency levels defined by the Common Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).


You can complete the test within 30 minutes. It is possible to compose the evaluation that each user needs thanks to a system of blocks of tests (oral comprehension / written comprehension / grammar & lexicon) that can be proposed individually or in combination.


Ev@lang is a modern and reliable tool for assessing candidates' skills in French, English and Arabic.

Registration process

Step 1

Purchase the test below for $20

Register here Register here

Step 2

You will receive an email within 48 hours with the instructions and a unique code to start your test on the Evalang website (link in the email). Codes will not be sent on Sundays or Mondays. Contact us at 780-469-0399 for more information!