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6-8 Cap Sur 1 Session 3
Theme: Have a good flight!
Objectives: talk about transportation, your family, your tastes, ask and tell what there is somewhere (Vocabulary and grammar : transportation, family members, food, verbs aller and prendre, negation, it’s/there is…
Pace: 12h
6-8 Cap Sur 2 Session 1
Theme: At school
Objectives: Ask questions, talk about your daily routine, talk about your schedule, situate yourself in time (Vocabulary and grammar : daily activities, numbers until 69, hours and time, verbs dormir, lire, écrire and reflexive verbs)Pace: 12h
9-12 A la Une 1 Session 1
Theme: discover Paris and French-speaking culture
Objectives: knowing French sounds, Introduce yourself, Know course tools and use them record in class, Know the places in the city.9-12 Tip Top 1 Session 3
Theme: “During the week (2/2)” + “ with my family”.
Objectives: Introduce your family and your pet, describe someone (grammar and vocabulary : definite article le/la/les/l’, the question ‘’qui est-ce?”, “c’est + possessive adjectives mon/ma/ton/ta…, masculine and feminine of adjectives, schools subjects, food, family members, pets)
6-8 Cap Sur 3 Session 3
Theme: We are returning to Europe
Objectives: Tell a story in the past, express an opinion, describe a city, make comparisons (Vocabulary and grammar : city and countryside, opinion expressions, past tense, comparisons…)Pace: 12h
9-12 A la Une 1 Session 1
Theme: discover Paris and French-speaking culture
Objectives: knowing French sounds, Introduce yourself, Know course tools and use them record in class, Know the places in the city.9-12 A la Une 3 Session 2
Theme: Travels
Objectives: Talk about your holidays and travels, describe cities and touristic places, talk about travel experiences and itineraries (grammar and vocabulary : travels, touristic activities and places, Passé composé / Imparfait alternation, relative pronouns, time expressions…)9-12 Tip Top 3 Session 3
Theme: “On our planet”
Objectives : talk about the future, say what you have to do, ask and talk about materials, talk about goals to reach… (Vocabulary and grammar: common objects, nature, fabrics and materials, recycling, the future tense, the preposition pour, the verb devoir + infinitive verb…)